Interrail Train Timetable
Find your train times and connections
Get European train times with the Interrail train timetable, the perfect tool for planning your rail trip.
Search for train routes between towns and cities all over Europe
Look up train departure and arrival times
Easily identify which trains you need to reserve
PLEASE NOTE: Train schedules are heavily impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Many European countries have introduced travel restrictions in an attempt to slow the spread of Coronavirus. These restrictions include reduced timetables for domestic trains, cancellations of international trains, and complete lockdowns in some countries.
Consequently, our timetable is not fully accurate at this time. Instead, you can use these alternative channels:
- For general information about the situation in each country, you can check the regularly updated Travel Disruptions section of our Coronavirus information page.
- For specific information, such as new timetables, it is best to check the website of the national rail company for the country you are interested in. Links to these can be found on our country-specific pages.
Looking to print your itinerary?
First, find the trains you want to travel on in the Timetable. Save these trains by clicking 'Save Itinerary'
Go to your Interrail itinerary to find an overview of your saved trains. You can print your itinerary from there.
Tips on using the Interrail train timetable
It's good to know that the Interrail train timetable also shows trains that aren't covered by an Interrail Pass. To be absolutely sure if a train is covered, check the list of railway companies participating in Interrail. All train times for the Eurostar high-speed train include a 45-minute boarding time.
Please note that this timetable is not always 100% acccurate. Train schedules may change due to maintenance works, national holidays or strikes. Always make sure to check the railway company websites for the latest travel information.
Here's some more useful information:
- How do I use the timetable?
Step 1: Fill in your departure and arrival station, choose your travel date and the time you want to depart or arrive. Hit 'Find Route' to search for trains.
Step 2: You'll see a list of connections, informing you about the duration of the trip, if you need to change trains and whether you need a seat reservation for that particular train.
Step 3: Click on the '+'-symbol to see the details of the connection, like the train number, railway company, transfer time and the on-board facilities. Click 'Show all stops' to see all the places the train will stop.
Step 4: When there is an 'R'-symbol, you need a reservation to travel on this train.
If there is no 'R'-symbol, there's no need for a seat reservation.
- I can't find my train, station or city. What do I do?
Some city names can only be found when you use the local spelling. This is the case for Prague (Praha), Lisbon (Lisboa), Belgrade (Beograd) and Copenhagen (Koebenhavn), among others. Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris is listed as Roissy CDG.
Many European cities have more than one railway station. When you're not sure which station to choose, always go for the first one in the list. This is usually the biggest station and is located in or near the city center. Please note that there are exceptions to this rule. For example, the station that's closest to the city center is Santa Lucia. However, the timetable lists Venice Mestre first, because this is the station most night trains stop at.
Countries and regions that are not in the timetable:
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, visit the website of ZFBH to check the timetable.
- Ireland, visit the website of Irish Rail to check the timetable.
- Northern Ireland, visit the website of Translink NI Railways to check the timetable.
- Montenegro, visit the website of the Montenegrin Railways to check the timetable.
- North Macedonia, visit the website of MZT to check the timetable.
- Greece, visit the website of Trainose to check the timetable.
- Serbia, visit the website of Srbija Voz to check the timetable.
Railway Companies that are not in the timetable:
- How can I find alternatives for trains that need a reservation and/or are fully booked?
If you want to travel on trains that don't require a seat reservation, you can travel on slower local trains instead of high speed or intercity trains. Simply click on 'Show more options' and play around with the 'All trains except high speed' and 'Local trains' filters.
If the options above haven't helped you find a train or route you like, you can select the option 'Via this station'. Fill in a third station and instead of searching for direct routes from A to B, the timetable will now search for a route via C. For example, say you're traveling from Amsterdam to Paris, but would like to visit Brussels along the way. You just fill in Brussels as your 'Via station' and let the timetable come up with a route.
Please keep in mind that:
Trains in, to and from France can become fully booked. Try and book your reservations for trains in France as far in advance as possible to guarantee your seat.
Rail Planner App
Look up train times any place, any time with the ultimate eurotrip planner! The Rail Planner App is free to use, works offline and features a European rail timetable. Get the app on iPhone and Android.
Interrail no longer uses printed timetable booklets. If you prefer a printed train time table, you can order one here.

Travel times in Europe
Check out the travel times between popular European cities. With Interrail, all of Europe is within your reach!
Train route | Travel time (by high-speed train) |
Paris - Amsterdam | 3hr 20min |
Paris - Barcelona | 6h 15min |
Madrid - Barcelona | 2h 45min |
Paris - Geneva | 3hr 05min |
Paris - Rome | 11h 15min |
Rome - Venice | 3hr 05min |
Amsterdam - Berlin | 6hr 20min |
Berlin - Prague | 4hr 40min |
Prague - Vienna | 4hr 25min |
Vienna - Budapest | 2hr 50min |
Change of currency
You cannot change the currency once you have a Pass in your cart. Remove the Pass, and then change the currency on the website header.